We have been allocated funding from Hampshire County Council, as part of the extended household support fund to support households with food vouchers who are in receipt of council tax support and or housing benefit.   

The food vouchers will be a one-off award. Eligible households should receive their food voucher week commencing 24 March 2025.

The voucher can be used in community pantries or supermarkets to help with the rising cost of living, freeing up money for other bills.   

To find a community pantry near you visit Hampshire County Council's connect4communites website.

You do not need to apply for the food vouchers as we will be writing directly to the following eligible recipients.

We are working with Evouchers (Wonde LTD) to deliver this scheme.

  • £20 per household in receipt of council tax support  
  • £40 per household in receipt of housing benefit only  

The vouchers will be made available in the following two ways:  

  • Working age recipients will receive a letter with a QR code to claim the voucher online (an offline option can be made available in exceptional circumstances)  
  • Pensionable age recipients will receive a letter with a physical voucher. The nearest supermarket has been pre-selected, prior to issue, based on postcode.