Everyone has a role to play when it comes to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. If you have a concern relating to abuse or neglect, please use the contact details in the links below.
- Safeguarding policy (pdf 1.2 mb)
Hampshire Children's Services
- Telephone number: 0300 555 1384
- Out of hours: 0300 555 1373
Hampshire Adult Services
- Telephone number: 0300 555 1386
- Out of hours: 0300 555 1373
In an emergency, or if you suspect you or someone else is in immediate danger, phone 999.
For further information relating to abuse or neglect, please visit:
- Contact Children's Services - Hampshire County Council
- Safeguarding adults - Hampshire County Council
Modern slavery
- Modern slavery statement (pdf 147 kb)
Someone is in slavery if they are:
- forced to work
- owned or controlled by an employer
- dehumanised
- treated as a commodity or property
- have restrictions placed on their freedom of movement
In Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 144 individuals were recognised as potential victims of trafficking in 2018.
Many more are likely to be living in exploitative circumstances by human traffickers but are too afraid to seek help or support from statutory organisations such as the police.
If you suspect modern slavery, report it to the modern slavery helpline on 08000 121 700 or the police on 101. In an emergency always call 999.
You could save a life, or greatly improve one.
Community and voluntary organisation safeguarding support
Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership have compiled a Community & Voluntary Organisation toolkit and two 15 minute videos 'introducing safeguarding children' and 'child exploitation' to support those putting safeguarding arrangements in place .