The funerals East Hampshire District Council has undertaken are:

Place of death Date of death Date of birth Referred to Treasury Solicitor
GU 10/8/2024 23/10/2042 No
GU35 20/12/2023 22/05/1947 --
GU33 08/09/2023 07/05/1935 Yes
GU33 31/07/2023 24/08/1934 No
PO8 09/05/2023 23/08/1959 No
GU33 28/01/2023 19/04/1938 No
GU35 31/07/2022 20/09/1977 No
GU30 26/01/2022 22/07/1958 No
PO7 10/01/2022 08/07/1940 No
GU33 26/04/2022 25/07/1956 No
GU26 24/08/2022 24/02/1942 No
GU32 06/01/2022 18/05/1942 No
GU33 21/01/2022 26/04/1947 No
PO9 28/02/2021 16/02/1943 No
GU32 11/01/2021 18/05/1931 Yes
GU34 08/04/2020 18/11/1949 No
GU32 08/03/2020 16/01/1946 No
GU35 07/01/2020 22/06/1927 No

The table is updated every time a public health funeral has taken place.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 names and addresses have been withheld under the following two exemptions:

Section 31(1)(a) - Law enforcement

East Hampshire District Council will not disclose address details into the public domain where they relate to deceased’s empty properties as the property is likely to be unoccupied and might still contain the deceased's personal papers and effects.

The council does not believe it to be in the public interest to disclose information relating to empty properties prior to a full and thorough securing of the assets of the estate as undertaken by Treasury Solicitors.

Additionally, giving out the names of the deceased taken with other information easily available i.e. the electoral roll, telephone directory entry, etc would make identifying properties fairly easy.

Section 21 – Information accessible to applicant by other means

Although confirmation that East Hampshire District Council holds some of the information requested, the council does not accept that it holds the information in its own right, but on behalf of the Treasury Solicitors department.

All deaths have to be registered with the Hampshire Registration Offices.