Nitric oxide (NO) is produced during high temperature burning of fuel (e.g. road vehicles, heaters and cookers). When this mixes with air, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is formed. Levels are highest in urban areas as it is a traffic-related pollutant. Road transport is estimated to be responsible for about 50% of total emissions for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2).
Air pollution has an effect on our health which is why the government requires councils in all areas to monitor pollution levels. Legislation for air quality includes;
Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) must be declared where these Government standards are not being met. An Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) is prepared for these areas and will provide target actions to improve air quality.
What are we doing to test air quality in East Hampshire?
In East Hampshire we enjoy satisfactory air quality conditions.
We measure Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) at several locations with the potential for elevated levels around the district using ‘diffusion tubes’. These are small plastic tubes that sample nitrogen dioxide for one month before being sent to a laboratory for analysis. The results are provided to DEFRA for comparisons across the country and National Air Quality Objectives set by the Government and released annually.
The air quality standards are for a 12-month rolling average, the limit set by UK and EU legislation of 40μg/m3 for (Micrograms per cubic metre) for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2).
The table below shows some important pollutants results set against the guidance levels of the previous year’s report (report 2019).
Pollutant | Target/ Limit values | EHDC result (2019) | What does this mean? |
NO2 – 1 hour mean | 200 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times a year | Regularly and routinely below target in all areas | GOOD |
NO2 – 1 hour mean | 40 µg/m3 | Regularly and routinely below target in all areas | GOOD |
Particles (PM10) – 24 hour mean | 50 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year | Target met | GOOD |
Particles (PM10) – 24 hour mean | 40 µg/m3 | Target met | GOOD |
Particles (PM2.5) – exposure reduction annual mean | -25 µg/m3 | Target met | GOOD |
Annual status report
This report forms part of the review and assessment of air quality in East Hampshire.
- Combined status report 2022 and 2023 (pdf 927 kb)
- Combined status report 2020 and 2021 (word 3.3 mb)
- Annual status report 2019 (pdf 984 kb)
- Annual status report 2018 (pdf 1.2 mb)
- Annual status report 2017 (pdf 1.5 mb)
- Annual status report 2016 (pdf 1.5 mb)
- Annual status report 2015 - not currently available
- Annual status report 2014 (pdf 1.6 mb)
- Annual status report 2013 (pdf 1.3 mb)
If you require further information about Air Quality within the district please contact our environmental health team by emailing
Additional information about air quality can also be found on the UK Air Information Resource website and the World Health Organisation website.