The overarching priorities for Petersfield include:
- making the town more walking and cycling friendly
- taking forward the town spine programme
- developing a clear place narrative that builds on the town’s location within the South Downs National Park
- effectively deploying Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and other monies to support neighbourhood plan objectives and improvements that deliver the most benefit to the town
- Petersfield place making governance structure
Please see the following document for information on the details of the Petersfield governance groups, membership and terms of reference.
- Petersfield governance document (pdf 405 kb)
- Petersfield strategy group meeting notes 2022 (pdf 400 kb)
- Petersfield strategy group meeting notes 2021 (pdf 572 kb)
Current workstreams
Transport and travel
The Petersfield Strategy Group has agreed a list of priority transport and travel projects.
The Petersfield Officer Group will work to deliver the top priority projects.
Briefing notes for potential transport schemes:
The Petersfield Strategy Group (PSG) has prepared a list of potential schemes which are to be given priority in the context of the Petersfield Place-making Action Plan. These briefing notes note has been written to support and inform this Action Plan in regard to cycling and walking issues around Petersfield and identifies some potential solutions.
- Petersfield junctions - The Spine (pdf 1.6 mb)
- Petersfield junctions - Station Road (pdf 454 kb)
- Petersfield junctions - Dragon Street, Hylton Road, Sussex Road (pdf 523 kb)
- Petersfield junctions - Pulens Lane (pdf 987 kb)
- Petersfield junctions - Swan Street (pdf 472 kb)
Re-opening the high streets safely (RHSS) and supporting town centres
Re-opening the high street safely is a project that was established in response to the coronavirus pandemic to support re-opening of high streets with activity and information for businesses and the public.