The Legal Services team consists of solicitors and other legal professionals who provide specialist and pro-active legal advice to officers at East Hampshire District Council.
The team does not provide legal support to members or the general public. If you require legal advice the Law Society website provides a database of legal professionals. Alternatively, you may wish to contact Citizens Advice who can provide advice on a variety of issues.
The service ensures the legality of all decisions and that both councils are compliant with legislation and government policy, statutory processes, corporate policies, and the council's constitution.
If you require trading standards information, please contact Hampshire County Council by emailing For any other enquires please contact customer services.
We work closely with Democratic Services, find out more about committee structures, forward plans, meetings and recent/forthcoming decisions.
If you are entering into a legal agreement with either council that does not have an individual contract, you will be agreeing with our standard terms and conditions.
If you have received notification of any court proceedings, you should use the contact details on the covering correspondence.
The Legal Services Manager is Tim Howes, who can be contacted by email at
Role of the Monitoring Officer
Role of the Monitoring Officer
The Monitoring Officer is responsible for reporting breaches or possible breaches of the law or maladministration to the council. The Monitoring Officer also works closely with the council's Chief Executive to assist in the role of promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct and probity within the council.
If you wish to complain about the conduct of an elected member, please see information on councillor conduct.
The Monitoring Officer also helps to maintain the council's high standard in public life and good ethical behaviour.
The Monitoring Officer can be contacted by email at