What is fly posting?
Fly posting is the display of advertising material on buildings or highway land (including street furniture, road signs, railings and grass verges) without the consent of the owner.
Our responsibilities
We are responsible for removing fly posting from public buildings and street furniture.
We can serve a notice that the advertisements must be removed within 48 hours, issue a £80 fixed penalty notice for each sign, or remove them and claim back the costs for doing so.
We are supportive of events signage, where events are arranged in connection with fundraising for charitable or voluntary organisations or community groups.
The removal of fly posting on private buildings is the responsibility of the property owner.
How can you get permission for banners of bunting?
Permission to erect banners or bunting over or on the highway can be given by Hampshire County Council as the highways authority for the area, although applicants will need to be mindful that the content and size will have to be compliant with the relevant planning regulations in the area.
General guidelines for advertisements and signage
We would not expect any sign or advertisement to be put up more than 21 days in advance of the start of the event.
No temporary sign should obstruct any other existing signage.
Only a reasonable number of signs may be displayed - normally no more than 5-10.
We would normally expect any sign or advertisement for a charity or community event to include name, address, telephone number and a valid web address so the organisation responsible can be contacted.
Signs on private land
It is permissible to place signs or advertisements on private land with the permission of the landowner but advertisers are encouraged not to keep such signs up for more than 21 days in advance of an event and to remove them promptly, ideally within 48 hours, of the event concluding.
Important information
In the case of signs we regard as acceptable, we expect the signs together with any metal or plastic ties or string used to attach the sign to be removed within 48 hours after the end of the event. In any case they must be removed within 14 days from the end of the event otherwise we will either issue a £80 fixed penalty notice for each sign still on display or will remove the sign(s) and claim back the cost of removal from the originator or beneficiary of the sign or from the company which put the signs up.
In the case of signs which we do not regard as acceptable, these must be promptly removed, or the originator of the signs will be contacted by us and given 48 hours to remove them. If a sign is not removed within 48 hours, we will either issue a £80 fixed penalty notice for each sign or remove the signs and claim back the cost of removal from the originator or beneficiary of the sign or from the company that put the signs up.
Any sign removed by us may be disposed of without reference to the originator. We will not be responsible for storing signs, for any damage caused to the signs or for returning signs to the owner.
In terms of 'a' boards located outside premises on the pavement, these are regulated by Hampshire County Council. For more information, please contact them.