East Hampshire Norse sweep roads, collect litter and empty bins in the district.

The council is responsible for cleansing all public highways within the district, as well as its own land and public car parks.

Our teams are still out emptying litter bins but it might take longer than usual.

In the event of staff shortages, the teams will prioritise litter bins in high footfall areas.

If you see a litter bin that is overflowing, please report this to us using the link below and we will empty it as soon as we can.

Litter on roads and pavements

If you see rubbish scattered over the pavement, we will ask our contractors to clean it up.

If the amount of litter is considerable it should be dealt with within 12 hours in normal residential roads, and within a maximum of six hours in main shopping areas.

Report an area that needs cleaning through your MyEHDC account

If you find an abandoned shopping trolley, please contact the supermarket it came from. If the name of the supermarket isn’t visible, please contact us and we will come out and remove it.

For any other problems or road blockages, please contact Hampshire County Council.

Fines for litter and dog fouling

You can be fined £80 if you drop litter or £100 if you do not clean up after your dog. This is referred to as a fixed penalty notice (FPN), a fine issued by the council in respect of low-level environmental or public health crime. 

To pay a fine please use our online service. Select either littering fpn or dog fouling fpn as appropriate. If you are not aware of your reference number, please call 01730 234131.

Litter bins

Litter bins are on a public footway (pavement) or on an area of EHDC public open space will be emptied by our contractors.

Our bins are emptied regularly but if you find a full or overflowing bin, please let us know and we will empty it as soon as possible.

Report an overflowing litter or dog waste bin

A number of parish and town councils also own litter bins, which they site on areas such as recreation grounds and parks.

The responsibility for emptying these bins lies with the respective parish or town council.

Litter hotspots

Where should the enforcement officers patrol? If you know of a 'litter hotspot' which would benefit from one of our officers attending, please email environmental.enforcement@easthants.gov.uk.