Light pollution is the intrusion of over bright or poorly directed lights onto a neighbouring property, which affect the neighbours right to enjoy their own property. A typical example would be a security light shining into a bedroom window affecting your sleep.


The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 gives councils the power to take action against individuals or businesses who cause a light nuisance to neighbouring properties.

The determination of a statutory nuisance is based on numerous factors, including:

  • duration
  • frequency
  • impact
  • local environment
  • motive
  • sensitivity of complainant.

There are certain premises exempt from the legislation. These are premises used for transportation and premises where high levels of light are required for safety and security reasons, this includes:

  • airports
  • railway premises
  • bus stations and associated facilities
  • lighthouses
  • prisons
  • military facilities.

Report a light nuisance

You can report a light nuisance by using your MyEHDC account.

Report a light nuisance

Please be aware that East Hampshire District Council does not offer a night time monitoring service.