We are demystifying the Local Plan

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Statement from Cllr Richard Millard, EHDC Leader

We are looking at new ways to make the Local Plan easy for residents to understand. 

The planning system is a crucial part of EHDC’s role and makes a huge impact across the district, guiding development and infrastructure in our communities. 

But we know that most residents are confused by the process and don’t know why many decisions are made. 

We want to demystify the Local Plan by giving people the information and clarity they need to follow the reasoning and rules behind the decisions we make. 

Through a variety of means - from drop-in sessions to simple, easy-to-read information - we will be able to break down the planning process, strip out the jargon and help everyone understand what is going on in their communities. 

Planning is a vital part of the future of every town and parish and will guide development across the district for the next 15 years. So it’s vital that residents not only understand how it works but also get involved in the process too. 

If you don’t take part you will not have a say in how your hometown develops over the coming years. 

We will make it as easy as possible to understand the process, after that it’s up to you to get involved. 

Sessions and opportunities will soon be set up across the district, so keep an eye out for further details on these in the coming weeks.