More than 30 previously developed sites put forward
Our call for brownfield sites has yielded more than 30 locations that could be considered for development.
We have always prioritised development of brownfield land. However, as part of our work on the Local Plan we want to make sure we have searched the district for all possible brownfield sites. This will help limit the impact of development on the countryside as much as possible.
From 7 May to 7 June we appealed for residents to suggest more brownfield sites.
In total 111 sites were suggested. After removing duplicates, sites outside East Hampshire or inside the South Downs National Park and those that are too small to consider we have a list of 34 additional sites to investigate.
See the results to our call for brownfield sites
The suitability of these sites for development has not yet been established but they will now be included in our work on the Local Plan. Sites suggested within the SDNP have been passed to their planning team.
EHDC is looking at its own assets, both within and outside the National Park, that could have potential for meeting development needs
Cllr Angela Glass, EHDC’s Portfolio Holder for Regulation & Enforcement, said: “This has been an extremely useful exercise which has helped us find more sites to assess.
“It’s so important that we continue to make the best use of previously developed land to protect our countryside. However, even with the suggested sites there are not sufficient brownfield sites to meet our housing need. We also need to protect valuable infrastructure, community facilities and businesses – so not all brownfield sites are suitable for residential development.
“Thank you to everyone who took the time to take part in the consultation and make suggestions.”
The Call for Sites also sought suggestions of land for Traveller accommodation and biodiversity net gain, for which there remains a need. Some suggestions were received which will be investigated further.
The Local Plan is EHDC’s key planning document for areas of the district outside the South Downs National Park. It sets the planning rules for development which cover housing, business, infrastructure, health, community facilities and the environment.