Cross-border team tackles fly tipping

We’ve been working with police, the Environment Agency, the DVSA and other councils to tackle the problem of cross-border fly tipping.

Find out more about fly-tipping

On 18 March, we took part in a joint operation with Hampshire Police Rural Policing Team, Havant Borough Council, Sussex Police Rural Policing Team, Chichester District Council, West Sussex County Council, the Environment Agency and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).

Stop and check locations were set up in areas of concern for fly-tipping, dumping and burning on the West Sussex/Hampshire border in Rowlands Castle and on the A272. Checks were set up in both directions to cover vehicles travelling into and out of the district.

On the Hampshire side, 44 vehicles were stopped and 30 were stopped in West Sussex. The police and DVSA issued notices and prohibition orders to drivers and the Environment Agency and local councils offered waste licensing advice and instructions.

We continue to work together to tackle fly tipping and rural crime across the borders, with more multiagency operations planned within East Hampshire.

Councillor Tony Costigan, East Hampshire District Council portfolio holder for environmental enforcement, said:

“Fly tipping is a scourge on the East Hampshire countryside and we will do everything we can to stop it.

“Unscrupulous businesses that think they can get away with crossing borders to avoid detection should think again.

“We’re coming after you, and we’re bringing friends.”

How can you avoid a fine?

If you have rubbish you need to dispose of, book a trip to the tip (Household Waste Recycling Centre) or contact an approved waste carrier (don’t fall for people knocking on your door).

When they take your waste, you should get a waste transfer note as a receipt to show who took it. That way, if it is fly tipped, you’ll be able to show you did everything you could to ensure it was disposed of correctly.

You could also use our bulky waste collection service.

How do you report a fly tip?

If you see someone in the process of fly tipping, please phone the police on 101.

If the fly tip is blocking the road, please contact Hampshire County Council.

Please be aware that fly-tips can contain dangerous and hazardous materials, so for your own safety we ask you not to touch any tip you may find. Also, please do not remove anything from the fly tip as this could compromise any prosecution that may result from our investigation.

Report a fly tip through MyEHDC