Funding makes new projects possible

SCR grants


Community groups can apply for grant funding from 2 April

From 2 April community groups can apply for funding that can help them make a big difference to the lives of local residents. 

The Supporting Communities Fund is an annual grant scheme which offers financial support to projects run by charities and organisations. 

Groups can apply for up to £25,000 to support one-off projects or up to £30,000, spread across three years, to support income streams.  

The projects must meet one of the following criteria. It must:   

1) support positive mental health in residents, in particular young people

2) reduce social isolation in residents, in particular older people

3) supporting a community's ability to thrive, despite adversity, by building strong community resilience

The deadline for applications closes on 14 May. 

Cllr Adeel Shah, EHDC’s Portfolio Holder for Community Development and Engagement and the Chairman of the SCF grants panel, said: “In 2021 EHDC put £1 million into the Supporting Communities Fund to be spent over three years, giving local groups the money they need to deliver fantastic local projects and services. 

“Our voluntary groups and charities do so much vital work in our communities. By providing sport facilities, lunch clubs, youth centres or any number of other fantastic activities they help make East Hampshire an amazing place to live. 

“If your group wants to set up a new community-run project or scheme, and you need the financial backing to make it happen, make sure you apply to our Supporting Communities Fund.”

Find out more about the Supporting Communities Fund

All the information can be found on our SCF webpage including guidance notes and a list of all the groups who have been awarded funding in previous years.

We will be publishing a list of the questions updated guidance notes for 2024 two weeks before the applications open. 

If you have a project in mind or any questions about the grant, we would love to discuss it with you before applications open – contact us via