Government’s latest planning figures sees huge increase in housing target
New planning policy guidance from the Government have increased East Hampshire’s mandatory housing figure from 574 to 1,142.
The Government announced major changes to the National Planning Policy Framework on Thursday 12 December.
The changes include significant increases in housing figures for many areas, including a 98 per cent rise in East Hampshire.
We have been calling on the Government to look sensibly at this district’s unique situation. With more than half the district protected from development in the South Downs National Park these housing figure place enormous pressure on areas of the district outside the park.
Cllr Richard Millard, EHDC Leader, said: “We have always taken our responsibilities seriously and set out detailed concerns about this in the summer in response to the Government’s consultation. Rather than moderating its proposals, the Government increased the housing number further.
“This is a hugely disappointing outcome for us as a council and for our residents. It leaves East Hampshire with a massive challenge, facing significant amounts of new housing in our villages and towns.”
In January the South Downs National Park Authority will be holding a consultation on its own Local Plan. Currently this plan provides for around 60 homes a year in the area of East Hampshire covered by the park.
It’s the council’s view that the national park could take many more homes and ease the pressure on parts of the district that has already seen heavy development.
The Government has revised the National Planning Policy Framework, Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, and Planning Practice Guidance. A summary of consultation responses is also available, as is the Government's response.