
Redesigned bin hangers will soon be used by our bin crews across the district, to highlight contamination problems with recycling.
Find out more about contamination
The design of our bin hangers has been updated to simplify the message about recycling and let people who receive one know what they need to do next.
If you receive a hanger, it’s because one of our team has looked in your bin and found materials that can’t be recycled in East Hampshire.
We can only take paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, tins and cans, and empty aerosol cans. Find out more about what can (and can’t) go in your bins on our website.
The most common types of contamination are:
- The wrong types of plastic - we can currently only take bottles
- Glass - which should be in your glass box
- Textiles - which should be disposed of through textile banks or other places
- Garden waste - which should be composted, taken to the tip or put in your garden waste bin
- Batteries - which can be recycled at shops or the tip, and can cause lorry fires
- Tetrapaks - which are mixed plastics so they should go in your refuse (green) bin
If your recycling bin is tagged, you will need to take out any contamination and our crew will return on your next scheduled collection day. They will take any excess recycling in a dry cardboard box or clear plastic bag.