A new team of uniformed officers are working across the Whitehill & Bordon area, including Lindford and Greatham, to tackle some of the tough issues facing the local community.
Among many functions, the team will investigate fly-tips, manage anti-social behaviour, enforce litter laws and help handle dangerous and inconsiderate parking - they will be the eyes and ears of East Hampshire District Council around the area.
These uniformed officers have a wide range of responsibilities and will be able to focus their efforts on problem areas across the district, including those in Whitehill & Bordon.
Their work will be led by evidence, and the officers will be posted where there are issues to resolve, working closely with partner organisations, complementing the police presence, and liaising with local communities to have the biggest possible impact.
Evidence shows the town has suffered from anti-social behaviour from a minority of local residents so the officers will support the police to resolve that issue. They will also co-operate with Hampshire County Council to tackle inconsiderate parking, particularly near local schools, which causes a significant hazard for pedestrians and motorists.
Resources will be deployed locally to address these issues and more that have been identified from intelligence-led data and information.
The District Officers will be in uniform, ensuring a visible and recognisable presence in the town, reassuring the community and responding to concerns reported to the council.
Cllr Andy Tree, EHDC’s Portfolio Holder for Whitehill & Bordon, said that some issues are creating a blight on his local area.
He said: "We will be able to focus specifically on issues that matter to our residents, such as anti-social behaviour and poor parking. The officers will be able to effectively target resources to resolve a wide variety of matters that affect the local area and have an adverse impact on our local community.
“Their work will be led by the data, so they can target litter hotspots or areas notorious for fly-tipping as they arise.
“And, as a uniformed authority, they aim to be a reassuring visible presence across Whitehill, Bordon, Lindford and Greatham.”
The District Team’s functions and responsibilities include:
· Fly-tipping investigations
· Abandoned vehicle removal
· Moving on unlawful encampments
· Litter enforcement
· Stray dogs
· Dog fouling
· Parking issues
If you want to report something to the District Team, go to www.easthants.gov.uk and hit Report It