Rams Walk in Petersfield will be fully occupied this Christmas with a pop-up shop taking the parade’s only vacant unit.
Ladieswear retailer Peony opened its doors to customers on Wednesday 23 October and will continue to trade into the New Year.
Cllr Tony Costigan, EHDC’s Portfolio Holder for Property, said: “This is great news for the town. It means that the Rams Walk parade will have full occupancy and it signals the start of an active time as the Christmas shopping period begins to ramp up.
“We are delighted that this high-end brand has chosen Petersfield as its latest location and I am sure it will be a popular addition to an already vibrant town centre."
Rams Walk is owned by East Hampshire District Council and is a key driver in the town’s thriving economy.
Tom Bucknall, Director of Peony, said: “We are delighted to open a new store in Rams Walk.
“Petersfield is the perfect place for our elegant and individual range of ladieswear and I am confident our customers will appreciate the quality and style of our collection.”