Our latest round of grants has helped 22 local groups
More than £350,000 of grants have been awarded to community groups, councils, schools and charities across the district in the latest round of the Supporting Communities Fund.
In total 22 projects – ranging from art galleries to recreation grounds - have benefited from a funding scheme set aside to support local people and strengthen our communities.
The grants awarded will go towards supporting projects that contribute to improving residents’ mental health and tackling social isolation as well as building resilience in our community groups and organisations.
Among the projects funded this year are £15,000 to Grayshott Concerts for a Music Outreach Programme for disadvantaged children and adults, £28,635 revenue to Autism Hampshire for Serendipity Community Groups and £20,000 capital for Clanfield Football Club to upgrade its pavilion.
Decisions for grants outside the Whitehill & Bordon area were made by Cllr Adeel Shah, EHDC’s Portfolio Holder for Community Development and Engagement, with the support of the Grants and Awards Liaison Panel, which is comprised of members drawn from across the district and across the political spectrum.
In total six grants were awarded in the Whitehill & Bordon area, with decisions made by Cllr Andy Tree, EHDC's Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for the Whitehill & Bordon Area.
Cllr Shah said: “Through delivering these grants we want to build the ability of our communities to provide support and opportunities for themselves.
“By funding new projects and supporting existing services we can improve our residents’ health and wellbeing and by doing so save public money several times over down the line.
“The Grants and Awards Liaison Panel was hugely impressed with the quality and range of the projects submitted to us which really demonstrates the diversity of opportunity already on offer in East Hampshire.”
In Whitehill & Bordon six grants were awarded by Cllr Andy Tree, for projects as varied as school sports provision, autism support and youth services.
Cllr Tree said: “I am delighted to be able to support these six sensational schemes with grant funding from our Supporting Communities Fund pot.
“Voluntary groups, charities and community groups are a vital part of what makes this area such a special place to live and work and that's why it’s so important we support them with grant funding when we can.
"I am very pleased to be making a positive difference in Whitehill & Bordon.”
The Supporting Communities Fund was launched in 2019 with three main criteria:
• To support positive mental health in residents, in particular young people.
• To reduce social isolation in residents, in particular older people.
• To support a community’s ability to thrive, despite adversity, by building strong community resilience.
This year's Supporting Communities Fund Grants
Petersfield Men’s Shed, £2,053 - To buy more equipment and expand the activities the shed can offer
Grayshott Parish Council, £4,000 - Towards a recreation area for young teenagers, including football goals, basketball hoops and a skate ramp
Hampshire Cultural Trust, £20,000 – To fund a Community Engagement Officer to help deliver a programme of art & cultural activities in Alton
Herne Association of Families and Staff, £2,010 - To help provide a ‘forest school’ area within the grounds of Herne Junior School
Friends of Steep School (FOSS), £12,000 - To refresh and revive the early years outdoor play space at Steep Primary School
Clanfield Football Club, £20,000 – To upgrade the club’s pavilion
Bentley Archers, £14,475 – To bring the recreation ground up to a standard that can accommodate football and cricket.
Grayshott Concerts, £15,000 - Music Outreach Programme for disadvantaged children and adults in north east Hampshire
Petersfield Town Football Club, £20,000 – To provide a clubhouse with changing facilities
Embracing Age, £30,000 - To fund Care Home Friends - trained and vetted volunteers to befriend care home residents and make regular visits.
Choices For Youth, £14,840 – To go towards the running costs of the Choices For Youth youth group in Rowlands Castle for children in primary and secondary school
Worldham Parish Council, £10,500 - Urgent restoration of the floor in the only village hall serving the Worldhams and Hartley Mauditt
Treloar Trust, £7,272 – Building an interactive learning zone for disabled students
The Peertalk Charitable Foundation, £30,000 – To support PeerTalk East Hampshire – which supports adults living with depression, anxiety and similar emotional distress
Alton Stroke Support Group, £14,850 - Building a resilient and sustainable stroke community for Alton and surrounding areas
Andrews’ Endowed CE Primary School, £5,000 – To improve its special educational needs provision
Autism Hampshire, £28,635 - Serendipity Community Group and Wellbeing Workshops for autistic adults in Bordon
Friends of Greatham School, £14,378.04 - To build an all-weather sports pitch at Greatham Primary School
Miniland Therapeutic, £25,000 – To build two new classrooms and a storeroom on the farm
St John Trust, £23,400 - To support a St John Trust Project Coordinator for three years
Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust, £30,000 - Community Projects & Programme Officer
Y+ Youth Services CIC, £12,400 - Towards the refurbishment of their next youth hub