Tells us about brownfield sites suitable for development

Do you know of any brownfield land that is suitable and available for development?

During our Local Plan consultation, held between 22 January and 8 March, we invited residents to make comments on the policies and proposed development sites in the draft Local Plan.

Many of the responses we received suggested that every opportunity should be taken to identify brownfield land for development. This has always been the approach we take, however, we have not managed to identify sufficient brownfield land able to deliver the amount of new homes we need.

We agree that brownfield land should be the priority for development. To make sure we have considered all possibilities, we are launching a “Call for Brownfield Sites”, running from 7 May to 7 June.

This is your opportunity to let us know about those brownfield sites that you think could deliver development in our planning area (outside of the South Downs National Park).

As well as brownfield sites, we would like to receive suggestions for land for Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG).

BNG requires all developments to provide greater biodiversity than might be lost due to development. This might sometimes mean making planting or landscaping changes to a suitable site elsewhere.

If you know of any land that meets our requirements, then please tell us about it by using the links below.

Tell us about brownfield sites