Funding opportunity for community projects open to applications

Treloars Swimming Pool

Apply for developer contributions by 21 March 

Time is running out to take up a funding opportunity that could make a huge difference to your community. 

Groups, parish councils, charities and organisations can now apply to a funding pot made up of developer contributions.  

Developer contributions are open to applications until Friday 21 March.

Apply for funding

Developer contributions are a fee paid by house-builders towards local infrastructure. Money from development builds up district-wide each year and local grops can then apply for it. 

In previous years developer contributions funding has supported health projects, school improvements, play areas, charities and a range of fantastic local projects.  

There are two types of developer contribution schemes – Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy. 

Applications for the Community Infrastructure Levy can be submitted until Friday 21 March 2025. Applications for Section 106 can be made year round. Submit applications to