Watch the conclusion of the inquiry online
The conclusion of a Planning and Enforcement Inquiry concerning land adjacent to Oak Tree Farm, Shortheath Common, Bordon, will be broadcast online on Wednesday 5 March, between 10am-12.30pm.
A Planning Inspector heard evidence from witnesses on 25-26 February 2025 at a public inquiry held at the Kingsley Centre, near Bordon. Closing submissions from the appellants and the council can be watched online using Microsoft Teams (see below for reference numbers)
Meeting ID: 343 281 490 905
Passcode: Bw9Py6Ph
If you are unable to watch online you can watch the broadcast live at Monterey House, Bedford Road, Petersfield. Only disabled parking is available at Monterey House, so attendees are encouraged to park in the town centre and walk to Monterey House.
Reference numbers
Planning Inspectorate Reference:
Planning - APP/M1710/W/24/3352249
Enforcement - APP/M1710/C/24/3347356 & APP/M1710/C/24/3347357
EHDC Reference:
Planning - 34313/028
Enforcement - EC/34313/029/ECOU