Alton Town Council has concluded that it wishes to carry out a modification to the Alton Neighbourhood made plan. Details of the modification can be found on our website.
Alton Neighbourhood Plan Made
The Alton Neighbourhood Plan was made on Thursday 12 May 2016.
- Alton decision statement (pdf 247 kb)
- Alton decision notice (pdf 143 kb)
- Alton Neighbourhood Development Plan (pdf 11 mb)
Report from Independent Examiner
We received the independent examiner's report for the Alton Neighbourhood Plan on the 11 October 2015.
- Alton examiner's report (pdf 272 kb)
Submission for Examination
The Alton Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to the independent examiner Mr McGurk on Wednesday 9 September 2015.
The following documents were submitted to the examiner:
- The Submission Alton Neighbourhood Plan (pdf 3 mb)
- The Basic Conditions Statement (pdf 1.51 mb)
- The Consultation Statement (pdf 2 mb)
- A statement of reasons why an environmental assessment is not required (the reasons are set out in the SEA screening letter - pdf 56 kb and SEA Screening opinion - pdf 221 kb)
- EHDC Alton legal check letter dated July 2015 (pdf 128 kb)
- EHDC Alton legal check list (pdf 14 kb)
- Alton Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 Representations (pdf 8.6 mb)
Evidence Base
Please visit the Alton Town Council website for the list of evidence base documents.
Draft Plan for Regulation 16 publicity
The Alton Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to and received by EHDC on 17 June 2015.
The plan has now been subject of a legal check to ensure it complies with the relevant provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
The Regulation 16 consultation ran from Friday 10 July - Friday 21 August, this allowed for the statutory 6 week publicity period required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
Draft Plan for Regulation 14 (Proposed Submission) consultation purposes
The statutory 6-week local consultation period on the plan ran until 5pm on 30 March 2015.
A summary of all representations received and how they have been considered in the drafting of the final plan are set out in the consultation statement (pdf 2 mb).
Neighbourhood Plan Designation
The application was advertised and comments were invited on the application with the final date for responses falling on Friday 7 March 2015.
Following consideration of the application, the EHDC approved the designation of the parish of Alton as the ‘Alton Neighbourhood Area'.
- Neighbourhood area application decision notice (pdf 191 kb)