East Hampshire District Council elected Cllr Catherine Clark as its chairman for the coming year, during its Full Council meeting on Thursday 16 May 2024. 

At the same meeting Cllr Graham Hill was elected as the council’s Vice Chairman. 

Invite the Chairman to an event

Whenever a representative of the district council is required to officiate at a public function it is appropriate for the Chairman to be invited. This applies when distinguished visitors of national or international significance are being welcomed to the district. 

If you would like to invite the Chairman to attend a function, please email the Chairman's assistant, Kim Combes on kim.combes@easthants.gov.uk or phone 01730 234002. 

Charities for the year

Traditionally the Chairman selects at least one local charity to support and will use the profile of the office to raise funds and attract publicity for those charities during the year. 

The role of the Chairman 

Each year a different member of the council is elected to be Chairman at the Annual Council Meeting in May.  

While in office, the Chairman chairs EHDC’s Full Council meetings, supports local events and functions, raises money for charity and furthers the interests and reputation of the council.  

As a non-political position, the Chairman presides over meetings of the Full Council to ensure business can be carried out efficiently and with due regard to the rights of councillors and the interests of the community. 

The Chairman will select at least one local charity to support and will use the profile of the office to raise funds and attract publicity for those charities during the year.

The Chairman will also maintain links between the council and other organisations, both voluntary and commercial, and promote the district on visits elsewhere. 

How to address the Chairman

The Chairman is addressed as Mr Chairman (or Madam Chairman) and correspondence should be addressed to the Chairman of East Hampshire District Council. 

Past Chairman of the council

  • 2023 - Cllr Anthony Williams
  • 2022 - Cllr Sally Pond
  • 2021 - Cllr Adam Carew
  • 2019 - Cllr Keith Budden (two year term)
  • 2018 - Cllr Anthony Williams
  • 2017 - Cllr Lynn Evans
  • 2016 - Cllr David Ashcroft
  • 2015 - Cllr Tony Muldoon
  • 2014 - Cllr Patrick Burridge
  • 2013 - Cllr Chris Graham