The South Downs National Park (SDNP) has separate Local Requirements to EHDC.
Biodiversity net gain
Applications for planning permission (except householder applications) are required to demonstrate 10% biodiversity net gain.
Further information is available on here.
Planning validation checklists
The checklists below ensure that the Council has the correct information at the start of the application process. The checklists provide details of the information and documents required for each application type.
- 01 Householder checklist to submit with application (word 85 kb)
- 02 Householder and listed building consent checklist to submit with application (word 86 kb)
- 03 Planning permission checklist to submit with application (word 153 kb)
- 04 Planning and listed building consent checklist to submit with application (word 179 kb)
- 05 Outline - all matters reserved checklist to submit with application (word 159 kb)
- 06 Outline - some matters reserved checklist to submit with application (word 162 kb)
- 07 Application for planning permission and listed building consent (word 165 kb)
- 08 Application for listed building consent (word 91 kb)
- 09 Application for advertisement consent (word 87 kb)
- 10 CLU for existing use or breach of a planning condition checklist to submit with application (word 156 kb)
- 11 CLD for proposed use checklist to submit with application (word 233 kb)
- 12 Approval of reserved matters after outline permission checklist to submit with application (word 244 kb)
- 13 Removal or variation of a condition checklist to submit with application (word 244 kb)
- 14 Approval of details reserved by condition checklist to submit with application (228.5 KB)
- 15 Works to trees checklist to submit with application (word 236 kb)
- 16 Hedgerow Removal Notice checklist to submit with application (word 232 kb