A breach of planning control is carrying out a development without the required planning permission or failing to comply with any condition or limitation to which planning permission has been granted.

We investigate complaints about breaches of planning control in East Hampshire.

This includes:

  • unauthorised building works or land use
  • development of sites
  • work on trees and listed buildings
  • advertisements
  • untidy land
  • high hedges

We do not investigate anonymous complaints. While complaint details are public, complainant identities remain confidential.

Reporting a breach

To report an issue, complete the planning enforcement enquiry and complaint form.

Planning enforcement plan

This plan provides a clear and consistent approach to handling planning breaches across the district.

What counts as a breach?

A breach of planning control is defined in section 171A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as carrying out a development without the required planning permission or failing to comply with any condition or limitation to which planning permission has been granted.

Breaches usually take one of the following forms:

  • building, extending, or altering without permission
  • work that doesn’t match approved plans
  • ignoring planning conditions
  • unauthorised changes in land or building use

Our approach

Breaches are not criminal offenses, except for unlawful work on listed buildings, protected trees, or certain advertisements. We try to resolve issues cooperatively, but enforcement can be a long process, sometimes taking over a year due to appeals.

Retrospective applications

If development happened without permission, a retrospective application should be submitted. If it has been there long enough to avoid enforcement, a lawful development certificate can be requested. In some cases, no action is taken if the development is deemed acceptable.