The latest Government Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations came into force on 1 September 2019 and to comply the Council will publish their developer contributions data at least annually before the 31 December 2024 in the required form of CSV files.
Further information on the required Government reporting for developer contributions.
Live data reporting of CIL contributions can be found by accessing our Developer Contributions Database.
Infrastructure funding statements also form part of the reporting requirements.
The Government requires all Local Planning Authorities to publish their developer contributions data under the Open Government Licence - three excel spreadsheets below - and includes data up to 6 December 2024.
CSV1 Developer agreements  (csv 247 kb)
Includes S106 Agreements entered into during the reporting period and those where a transaction occurred as included in the CSV 3 file.
CSV2 Developer contributions (csv 478 kb)
Includes data on:
- Any provision secured through a S106 Agreement signed during the reporting period
- Affordable housing provision for Agreements signed in preceding years and delivered during the reporting period
- Developer Agreements which had a financial transaction during the reporting period.
CSV3 Developer transactions  (csv 604 kb)
Details each transaction relating to a developer agreement and the status of the individual obligations that have been completed during the reporting period.