Current planning consultations Have your say in consulations related to the local plan or have a look at our previous consultations. Call for brownfield sites We asked residents to let us know of any brownfield land that is suitable and available for development. Previous local plan consultation documents Consultation documents that have formed part of the preparation of the emerging local plan are available to view on this page. Communications EHDC has consistently raised concerns about the housing requirement for the emerging local plan. Local plan timetable The timetable for which local development documents will be produced, in what order and when is set out in the local development scheme. Legal advice on assessment of housing need EHDC has sought legal advice on reducing the district’s housing targets.
Current planning consultations Have your say in consulations related to the local plan or have a look at our previous consultations.
Call for brownfield sites We asked residents to let us know of any brownfield land that is suitable and available for development.
Previous local plan consultation documents Consultation documents that have formed part of the preparation of the emerging local plan are available to view on this page.
Communications EHDC has consistently raised concerns about the housing requirement for the emerging local plan.
Local plan timetable The timetable for which local development documents will be produced, in what order and when is set out in the local development scheme.
Legal advice on assessment of housing need EHDC has sought legal advice on reducing the district’s housing targets.