The neighbourhood planning guide sets out the key considerations and stages of preparing a neighbourhood plan. It also includes a list of frequently asked questions.
- Neighbourhood planning guide (pdf 793 kb)
This should be read alongside the national guidance on preparing neighbourhood plans.
Free advice and guidance is also available from locality.
Indicative housing figures
Following the updated National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and higher housing needs derived from the new standard method being published in December 2024, more work is needed on the emerging local plan to determine the overall housing requirement and how it will be distributed between settlements and sites.
Until this is determined, the NPPF requires the local planning authority to provide an indicative figure if requested to do so from those towns or parishes conducting neighbourhood plans.
The guidance note below sets out indicative housing figures for each town or parish within the district (outside the National Park) to allow communities to maintain progression on the production of neighbourhood plans.
- Indicative housing numbers for parishes (pdf 180 kb)
As detailed throughout the guidance note, the indicative figures should not be considered a housing requirement and will be subject to change as further progress is made on the local plan.
Strategic policies of the local plan
Policies in a neighbourhood plan must be in general conformity with the strategic policies within the adopted local plan.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires the council to clearly identify the strategic policies for the area.
The document below provides the information to meet this requirement and is a useful point of reference for those considering preparing or in the process of preparing Neighbourhood Plans or Neighbourhood Development Orders.
- Assessment of strategic policies (pdf 341 mb)
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA)
Where a neighbourhood plan would be likely to have significant effects on the environment, a systematic appraisal of the Plan, known as a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), is likely to be required.
Examples of where a SEA could be required include:
- where a neighbourhood plan proposes to allocate land for development;
- where a neighbourhood plan proposal could affect a designated heritage or biodiversity asset;
- where a neighbourhood plan could have environmental effects that were not previously considered, or over and above those considered through the sustainability appraisal of the Local Plan.
The SEA process is prescribed by the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004.
Parish councils or (acting on their behalf) neighbourhood planning groups should assess whether their draft proposals are likely to have significant environmental effects through a process known as 'screening'.
For this purpose, East Hampshire District Council has created a pro forma which can be filled out and sent to the 'consultation bodies': Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England.
A courtesy copy of the completed form should also be e-mailed to Planning Policy (
Please note that as a technical process, SEA can be daunting to parish councils and neighbourhood planning groups. We therefore strongly recommend that you use a qualified planning consultant to assist in completing the form.
- Strategic environment assessment screening form (word 118 kb)
If any likely significant environmental effects are identified, taking account of consultation responses to the screening assessment, then an SEA must be prepared.
Work should start on the SEA at the earliest opportunity, so that the assessment can inform choices on the content of the neighbourhood plan.
Planning Policy officers can help to identify relevant objectives for the SEA process. The Sustainability Appraisal Framework for the East Hampshire District Local Plan is likely to contain relevant objectives.
The scope of the SEA should be determined through consultation with the 'consultation bodies'.
Planning Policy should also be consulted, as it is the responsibility of East Hampshire District Council (as planning authority) to ensure that all the regulations appropriate a neighbourhood plan have been met, for it to progress to the end of the neighbourhood plan-making process.
Further guidance appropriate to the SEA of neighbourhood plans is provided by the government’s planning practice guidance website.