The Bentley neighbourhood plan was made on Thursday 12 May 2016. The neighbourhood plan is currently being modified, further details can be found on the parish council's website.
Examination of the modified Bentley neighbourhood plan is to commence on 27 January 2025. Independent Examiner John Slater has been appointed to carry out the examination.
All relevant information relating to the modified Bentley neighbourhood plan and representations to the regulation 16 consultation have been passed on to the independent examiner.
- Bentley NP - introductory notes (pdf 141 kb)
- Bentley NP - examiner's initial comments (pdf 179 kb)
- Bentley NP - initial comments response (pdf 68 kb)
- Bentley NP - examiner's further comments (pdf 152 kb)
- Bentley NP - further comments response (pdf 67 kb)
Regulation 16 consultation
Representations received to the Regulation 16 consultation of the modified Bentley neighbourhood plan can be viewed below:
- External representations to regulation 16 consultation (pdf 14 mb)
- EHDC representation to regulation 16 consultation (pdf 112 kb)
The Bentley modified neighbourhood plan was formally submitted to and received by EHDC on 22 August 2024.
The plan was subject to a legal check to ensure it complies with the relevant provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
The regulation 16 consultation ran from Monday 11 November until 5pm on Monday 23 December, allowing for the statutory 6-week publicity period required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
The following documents were submitted to the council and were available for inspection:
The proposed modified neighbourhood plan including a map identifying the area to which the proposed modified neighbourhood plan relates;.
- Bentley neighbourhood plan - August 2024 (pdf 2.8 mb)
- Bentley neighbourhood plan - strategic environmental assessment (pdf 217 kb)
- Bentley neighbourhood plan - basic conditions statement (pdf 3 mb)
- Bentley neighbourhood plan - modification statement - August 2024 (pdf 56 kb)
- Bentley neighbourhood plan - consultation statement (pdf 1.9 mb)
- Bentley neighbourhood plan - public notice (pdf 103 kb)
- Bentley neighbourhood plan - EHDC HRA screening (pdf 691 kb)
Regulation 14 consultation
Bentley Parish Council consulted on a draft regulation 14 version of a review to the made neighbourhood plan, between June and August 2023. Further details are available on the Parish council’s website.