We offer unbiased advice to help you before submitting a planning application. This can:

  • assess if your application is likely to be approved
  • identify any changes needed before submission
  • inform you about consultations or publicity requirements
  • advise on necessary documents.

A fee applies based on the project size.

Checking your planning authority

East Hampshire has two planning authorities:

How to submit a pre-application enquiry

All East Hants pre-application enquiries must be submitted via our online form.

To submit online you must become a registered user first.

Once you are a registered user, you can submit the form. 

You can include any plans and supporting documents at this stage. The whole process shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to complete. Fees are submitted separately. A member of our team will be in contact about arrangements for paying.

Please submit documents in pdf format wherever possible as this will assist with the validation process.

South Downs National Park

Officers at EHDC will process your enquiry on behalf of the South Downs National Park, but it is important you know if your claim is inside or outside the park because their pre-application advices fees and local requirements policies are different.

Free planning advice

Planning aid provides free advice for individuals and community groups who cannot afford a consultant. Please contact contact@rtpi.org.uk or call 0207 929 9494.