A premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 is required for any premises where any of the following take place:

  • sale of alcohol by retail
  • regulated entertainment
  • the provision of hot food or hot drink between 23:00 and 05:00 on any day

Regulated entertainment is defined as:

  • a performance of a play
  • an exhibition of a film
  • an indoor sporting event
  • a boxing or wrestling entertainment
  • a performance of live music
  • any playing of recorded music
  • a performance of dance
  • anything similar to music or dancing

Before you start your application

You’ll need to provide:

  • your details
  • a consent form for the designated premises supervisor if alcohol is to be sold - (the person nominated will need to have a personal licence)
  • a plan of the premises showing certain criteria
  • an operating schedule (hours when alcohol will be sold)
  • a copy of a relevant document proving you have the right to work in the UK
  • the application fee 

Premises licence fees

You’ll be charged a fee that’s based on the rateable value of the property.

Most premises licences have an unlimited duration but you will have to pay an annual fee.

Apply or amend a premises licence

Please download the relevant forms below and submit them through your MyEHDC account.

Submit your completed licensing form

Premises licence forms 

Premises licence application form (word 472 kb) - tacit consent applies after 56 days

Full variation of premises licence application form (word 134 kb) - tacit consent applies after 56 days

Minor variation of premises licence application form (word 113 kb) - tacit consent applies after 15 days

Interim authority notice (word 218 kb) - tacit consent applies after 7 days

Designated premises supervisor forms

DPS consent form (word 99 kb) - part of application

Vary DPS on a premises licence application form (word 148 kb) - tacit consent applies after 14 days

Disapply DPS requirement (word 129 kb) - tacit consent applies after 56 days

Request to be removed as DPS (word 110 kb) - tacit consent applies after 56 days

After you've made an application

There is a 28 day period during which the responsible authorities and any other person can make representations about a new premises licence application. If no representations are received within this 28 day period, the application is granted with the relevant mandatory conditions and any conditions consistent with your operating schedule.

If representations are received, the application process can take longer as a licensing sub-committee might need to be arranged to to hear the application.

You must display your ‘application notice’ at or on the premises for 28 days from the day after it was submitted.

Appealing a decision

If your licence application is refused, you can appeal. Appeals should be made to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of being notified of the Licensing Authority's decision.

You can also appeal against any conditions attached to your premises licence, including a decision to:

  • exclude a licensable activity from the licence
  • exclude a person from being the DPS
  • reject a variation application or a transfer application

Displaying your licence

You must display the licence summary at your premises where it can be easily seen.

The other pages of the licence should be kept safely at the premises. Police or council officers can ask to inspect them at any time.