If you wish to ask us anything about data protection, ask for a copy of your data or you have a complaint about how we have used or looked after your data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by email - dpa@easthants.gov.uk or by writing to; Data Protection Officer, EHDC, PO Box 310, Petersfield, GU32 9HN.
The Councillors privacy notice applies to the role of elected councillors when acting in their capacity as ward members.
- Councillors privacy notice (word 17 kb)
In this role each councillor is a data controller in respect of the personal data of their constituents.
Electoral registration
This privacy statement applies to the role of ERO as data controller.
- GDPR and the Electoral Registration Officer (word 19 kb)
For the purpose of the Electoral Register and annual canvass, the data controller for your personal information is the Electoral Returning Officer (ERO).
The ERO carries out functions that are separate to that of the council.