The Ropley neighbourhood plan was made on Thursday 19th September 2019:
- Ropley neighbourhood plan (pdf 3 mb)
- Ropley neighbourhood plan adoption statement (pdf 325 kb)
- Ropley neighbourhood plan decision statement (pdf 2.1 mb)
Hard copies of the Ropley neighbourhood plan and the adoption statement are available for inspection or purchase, please email or phone 01730 234102.
Decision statement
In accordance with the regulations, East Hampshire District Council prepared a decision statement for the Ropley neighbourhood plan.
This set out the modifications that were made to the plan in response to the examiners recommendations.
- Decision statement for Ropley neighbourhood plan (pdf 358 kb)
Final examiners report
Mr Ashcroft issued his final examiners report to East Hampshire District Council on 15 April 2019.
A decision statement will be prepared setting out the actions to be taken in response to the recommendations of the examiner.
- Ropley neighbourhood plan examiners report (pdf 685 kb)
Documents produced during the Ropley neighbourhood plan examination
During the Ropley NP Examination Mr Ashcroft sent the council a note of clarification on 18 February, both EHDC and Ropley Parish Council responses can be found below:
- Note of clarification (pdf 380 kb)
- EHDC response to clarification note (pdf 208 kb)
- Document A - Areas of Significant Visual Prominence (pdf 981 kb)
- Document B - Definition of the key vistas from the centre of the Village (pdf 104 kb)
- Document C - Ropley NP notes from the central village workshop 2015 (pdf 57 kb)
- Document D - Ropley LGS report, Reg 15 version 16 November 2018 (pdf 2.4 mb)
- Document E - Local Green Space - Southern Planning Practice 2nd letter example (pdf 100 kb)
- Document F - Chalk from Hampshire Minerals Waste Plan (adopted) (pdf 216 kb)
- Ropley Parish Council response to clarification note (pdf 513 kb)
Regulation 16 Consultation
Ropley Parish Council submitted the plan to the council on Wednesday 12 December 2018. East Hampshire District Council published the submitted Ropley neighbourhood plan for consultation in accordance to Regulation 16 of the regulations. The consultation was from 14 December 2018 - 25 January 2019. A full list of representations can be found here:
- Full representations (pdf 11 mb)
The Ropley neighbourhood plan regulation 16 submission documents can be viewed below:
- Ropley Neighbourhood Plan submission (pdf 6.3 mb)
- Ropley Neighbourhood Plan - Notice of consultation (pdf 146 kb)
- Ropley Neighbourhood Plan - Consultation letter (pdf 260 kb)
- Ropley Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (pdf 7.4 mb)
- Ropley Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (pdf 473 kb)
- Ropley SEA HRA Screening letter (pdf 109 kb)
- Ropley Neighbourhood Plan SEA Report (pdf 2.3 kb)
- Ropley SEA HRA Screening determination (pdf 232 kb)
- Ropley Neighbourhood Plan - Legal checklist (pdf 277 kb)