S106 Generic funding was collected from developments to mitigate the impact of new development to fund community projects across the district.
In order to view what money is held, please review our Public Facing Module as this provides the most up to date data as to available funds.
Alternatively, please review the S106 Guidance documents.
The funding window for applications district wide is already open.
Summary of the S106 bidding process
1. Bid received by the Developer Contributions Team
2. Bid validated and additional information requested, if required
3. All bids received during the bidding window are assessed by a bidding panel comprising officers from the Developer Contributions Team and any other interested/relevant teams across the Council, depending on the nature of the bid. The panel will consider each project by way of assessment criterion which is scored by the panel of Officers. This takes into consideration the following:-
- whether the project has local support
- the detailed description of the project and what the funding would be specifically used for, to ensure that it conforms to the S106 agreement criteria
- confirmation of site or land ownership and/ or support from the landowner
- whether any statutory permissions are required e.g. planning permission
- alignment with local plans and strategies to assess whether the project is meeting a proven or identified need
- preliminary work undertaken
- details of deliverability, maintenance and management i.e. project duration and how the project will be managed
4. Recommendations for funding are agreed and put forward by the Officer panel for final decision making by Cabinet or Cabinet Member/Portfolio Holder and Director for Regulation and Enforcement (dependent on the amount being applied for)
5. Consultation is undertaken with the local ward councillors to confirm support for the project/s/bids
Decisions on bids under £50,000
6. For bids under £50k, the decision to agree (or otherwise) the Officer panel recommendation(s) is undertaken by the relevant Portfolio Holder and the Director for Regulation and Enforcement
Decisions on bids of £50,000 or more
7. For bids over £50K, the decision to agree (or otherwise) the Officer panel recommendation(s) is undertaken by the Council's Cabinet Committee, or the relevant Portfolio Holder where the Cabinet Executive function has been delegated by the Leader of the Council. For example, the Leader Cllr Richard Millard has currently delegated the award of s.106, CIL and SCF funding to Cllr Andy Tree for bids relating to the Whitehill & Bordon area. This delegation may not be used if Cllr Tree has an actual pecuniary or personal interest in a matter that would prevent his determination of that matter within his delegated powers.
Further information
Further information is available in the below documentation:
- S106 Generic spend application form – Whitehill and Bordon (word 97 kb)
- S106 Generic spend scoring criteria – Whitehill and Bordon (pdf 396 kb)
- S106 Generic guidance – Whitehill and Bordon (pdf 236 kb)
- S106 Funding and process - FAQs (pdf 249 kb)