Responses to the draft local plan consultation 2021-40 (regulation 18), 2024

The draft local plan consultation 2021-2040 (regulation 18) took place from 22 January 2024 to 8 March 2024. The council received comments from 2884 respondents and organisations. 

A summary of the responses received is available below.

The responses submitted onto the consultation portal are also available to view.

East Hampshire local plan

In addition to the responses on the consultation portal, we received comments through email and letters. These responses are available to view below. Please note these are redacted to remove personal names, contact details and information that might identify an individual (see privacy note for more information). They are grouped by the type of respondent. There is a contents page at the start of each document.

Due to the large file sizes and lengthy documents received, some are presented as a series of pdfs (part 1, part 2 etc).


Industry professional (developers/planning agents/land agents /landowners)

During the preparation of the local plan, petitions are sometimes brought to our attention. 

During this consultation, we were notified of a petition relating to site ALT8.

Please read our service privacy notice to see how your information is processed and who we might share it with.

Responses to the local plan issues and priorities consultation 2022-23

The local plan issues and priorities consultation (regulation 18 stage) took place from 21 November 2022 to 16 January 2023. The council received over 3,200 responses from over 900 respondents. The responses received can be viewed below.

The responses are published by topic, and where individual letters were received, by organisation, developer and individual. Within those topics, the responses are ordered by question, and then grouped by theme. The original topics remain available to view.

The responses submitted and a summary are available below;

Responses to local plan large development sites consultation 2019

The local plan large development sites consultation (regulation 18 stage) took place from 3 September to 15 October 2019. The council received more than 3,500 responses and a wide variety of views and information.

Responses to draft local plan 2019

The Draft Local Plan consultation (regulation 18 stage) took place from 5 February to 19 March 2019. The council received 1,254 responses.

A summary of the responses and full copies of the representations received are available below. The document also considers feedback given at consultation drop in sessions.