The council recognises that the planning system has an important role to play in tackling the climate emergency. It has been working with expert consultants to prepare a strong evidence base that will inform policies for its local plan to deliver net zero carbon development.

A net zero carbon study investigated the options for achieving radical reductions in the greenhouse gas emissions arising from future development.

The council subsequently worked with its consultants to formulate policy options for the draft local plan 2021-2040. This work recognised the main issues and risks associated with different policy options.

A report was produced to justify the policies of the draft local plan:

In December 2023, the previous government issued a Written Ministerial Statement that affects the net zero policies of the draft local plan. A review of the implications of this ministerial statement has been undertaken in the context of consultation responses to the draft climate emergency policies:

The council has also sought legal advice relating to the ministerial statement and its emerging net zero policies. This advice is published below:

The above documents will be considered in detail alongside representations to the draft local plan to inform any revisions to the emerging local plan policies for tackling the climate emergency.