The role of the 'settlement policy boundary review' is to define the built limits of a settlement and differentiate between what is the built form of a settlement where the principle of development is usually acceptable and the countryside where development is strictly controlled.
The main aims for reviewing settlement boundaries are:
- to ensure that settlement boundaries are logical and easy to identify on the ground
- to identify what parts of the settlement should and should not be included within a settlement boundary.
An interim review of the settlement boundaries has been carried out to support the draft local plan consultation, January 2024.
The interim review includes:
- the methodology that will be used for the final review to support the Local Plan at submission stage (Reg.19)
- a list of matters that have been considered when determining if and how an existing settlement boundary should be changed
- maps and tables for East Hampshire District (outside the SDNP), illustrating the proposed changes and explaining the reasons for them
Read the full review:
Settlement boundaries within the South Downs National Park are considered separately by the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA).