Following its successful Examination (August 2021), the Alton Neighbourhood Development Plan (as modified April 2021) was made on Thursday 11th November 2021:

Hard copies of the plan and the adoption statement are available for inspection or purchase, please email or phone 07435554527.

Report from independent examiner

We received the independent examiner’s final report on 31 August 2021.

A decision statement will be prepared setting out the actions to be taken in response to the recommendations of the examiner.

Independent examination

Following the conclusion of the Regulation 16 Consultation, East Hampshire District Council and Alton Town Council jointly appointed Andrew Ashcroft as the independent examiner for the Alton Neighbourhood Plan modification.

Regulation 15 and Regulation 16

The Alton Neighbourhood Development Plan (as modified April 2021) was submitted to and received by East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) on 29th April 2021 (Regulation 15). The plan has been subject of a legal check to ensure it complies with the relevant provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and planning and Compulsory Act 2004. The decision can be found here:

The Alton Neighbourhood Development Plan (as modified April 2021) consultation took place between Monday 24th May 2021 and Monday 5th July 2021. This allowed for the statutory six-week publicity period required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) regulations 2021.

The Alton Neighbourhood Plan (as modified April 2021) Regulation 16 submission documents can be seen below:

The Town Council also submitted the following document as part of their evidence base:

In response to the Regulation 16 Alton Neighbourhood Plan (As modified April 2021) consultation, the Council received 6 representations. A list of the representations can be found below: